Mladen Turk wrote:
Jeanfrancois Arcand wrote:

I've done some serious testings with HTTP server and NIO.
The results were always bad for NIO.
Blocking I/O is minimum 25% faster then NIO.

Faster in what? Throughput and/or scalability?

I disagree ;-) I would like to see your implementation, because from what I'm seeing/measuring, it is completely the inverse. I would be interested to see how you did implement your NIO connector.

I do not understand why the people are so obsessed with NIO, really.

I'm not obsessed. I just want to see a reel Tomcat implementation before saying I'm obsessed :-). APR looks really promising, but only because I can benchmark it and see real number :-)

Like said there IS a example from Sun that tries all the strategies
you can imagine, even using mapped byte buffers, single/multiple
threads etc...

Feel free to test by yourself if you don't believe me.
Download the Mustang sources from
You have a complete stack of 5 web servers inside:

Yes I already saw that. I'm really not interested about it....

Also read a nice aricle:

Solaris and Linux 2.6 threading support is much more advanced then it was in a days the even architecture was 'pushed'.

Right :-) Still I will compare a pure NIO non blocking implementation in Tomcat vs what we have right now, to have a clear picture. I'm just unable to assume the reality without seeing it :-)


-- Jeanfrancois

Regards, Mladen.

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