
> "Correct Servlet Specification violation in reading manifests", aka bug
> 34993, is quite inappropriate for a full fledged summer project. The bug
> is actually invalid, but more generally the project would be far too
> short (see o.a.c.util.ExtensionValidator for the implementation of the
> extension check mechanism mandated by the specification).

OK, good.  Thanks for pointing that out and resolving the bug.  If you
haven't edited the wiki page yet, I'll do so in a moment.

The intent on these projects is not necessarily for them to take 3 months of
intense work: it's to get some students to write some code which will get
them familiar and excited with open-source development.  That's it: a low

> Similarly, "Tune Jasper Performance for Multiple JSPs" should IMO be a
> more general "Tune Jasper Compilation Performance" :)

Good point, will change.

> "Enhance Tomcat to support one-to-many mapping of security roles" might
> be also too short.

We'll see.  The idea is again to get them excited, maybe starting small, and
then continuing to contribute with other stuff.

> I'd like to propose adding the following things to the summer of code:
> - tag plugins implementation for JSTL (finally)
> - improve admin/management tools (?)

Sure.  Feel free to edit the wiki page accordingly.

> Anyway, we need a community discussion on summer of code proposals.

OK.  My intent was to kick-start the process by posting some ideas to the
wiki page, and that seems to have worked ;)  Everyone, please take a look at
http://code.google.com/summerofcode.html and the linked Apache ideas page
(which is currently down for me ;(), and comment as you see fit.  Anyone
willing to be a mentor or help out, that's great.  Any ideas for projects
are also welcome.


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