Head-First Servlets & JSP by Basham, Sierra & Bates, O'Reilly, ISBN
0-596-00540-7 is one of the better books I've found on this kind of thing
(not sure it would cover exactly this question, but in general I'm
talking).  I recommend it.  It sometimes comes across a bit childish, but
it gets the information across in an easy to understand way.  In fact, I
dare say it was absolutely invaluable to me in understanding
constraint-based security.  Also, it was all I used to study for the SWCD

(I'm not affiliated by the way, this is an objective recommendation)

Frank W. Zammetti
Founder and Chief Software Architect
Omnytex Technologies

On Wed, June 22, 2005 10:27 am, Yoav Shapira said:
> Hi,
>> So basically (from the Servlet end), a JspServlet is initialized, this
>> creates a RuntimeContext. Then, when the service is invoked it looks
>> for some JspServletWrapper already associated with this .jsp in this
>> context. If none exist, it creates  JspServletWrapper which is a less
>> servlet-styled Jsp compiler. This wrapper then contains a
>> CompileContext, which presumably does the grunt-work of parsing and
>> compiling the .jsp?
> Important distinction: JspServlet typically gets created and initialized
> once, upon webapp startup.  Your other things above may be done per-JSP.
> Is there a book covering this?  I don't think so, but I'm not sure.
> Yoav Shapira
> System Design and Management Fellow
> MIT Sloan School of Management
> Cambridge, MA
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