The method generateBody() is meant to "continue to generate
codes for body of the tag, as usual".  What you want is a method
to "generate codes to get the body content", which is certainly
doable, but is not currently available.  You are welcome to have
the first crack at extending the plugin framework if you like.  It'll
require invoking pushBody(), generateBody(), then popBody() to get the
body content, similar to the codes that are being generated for
fragments.  But I don't think you really need it though.

Attributes are much simpler, they are just expressions.

BTW, your English is just fine: no apologies needed.  :-)


On Tue, 2005-08-23 at 02:33, wing lee wrote:
> Thanks for all your help.
> But I still have questions :-). I know that the body content of the tag is 
> the runtime entity. I think the value of some attributes is also runtime 
> entity, if its value can be EL. The method generateAttribute can generate the 
> code in the generated file which returns the dynamic value of the 
> attribute. So I can write such code to get the dynamic value in the 
> file:
>     //in jsp file
>     <c:out value="${xxx}/">
>     //in the tag plugin file
>     ctxt.generateJavaSource("String s = (String)");
>     ctxt.generateAttribute("value");
>     ctxt.generateJavaSource(";");
> The generated code is:
>     String s = (String) (Object)
>              org.apache.jasper.runtime.PageContextImpl.proprietaryEvaluate
>              ("${xxx}", java.lang.Object.class, (PageContext)
>              _jspx_page_context, null, false);
> But if I write such code:(just for example)
>     //the jsp file
>     <c:out value="asd">${xxx}</c:out>
>     //in the tag plugin file
>     ctxt.generateJavaSource("String s = (String)");
>     ctxt.generateBody();
>     ctxt.generateJavaSource(";");
> the generated code is:
>     String s = (String) out.write((Object)
>              org.apache.jasper.runtime.PageContextImpl.proprietaryEvaluate
>              ("${xxx}", java.lang.Object.class, (PageContext)
>              _jspx_page_context, null, false));
> and this code's syntax is wrong.
> I think that there should be a method to provide the functionality similar to 
> the one of the generateAttribute which doesn't output the "out.write" source 
> code, so that I can use the body content in the generated file
> I am not so good at English so perhaps my expression is not very clear. Sorry 
> about that. 
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