Remy Maucherat wrote:
> First, thanks a lot to your log, since I found a bug into the Catalina's
> HTTP connector because of that :)
> > I repeat, that looks like an opportunity for Microsoft to show good
> > faith.
> Well, they've added and used and products huge

I'm often annoyed at Microsoft when they may not deserve it, because I
have been a Unix bigot for 15 years or so.  When I started with the 
Internet, Microsoft and IBM both refused to recognize or support TCP/IP.
And I'm constantly aware of Microsoft's efforts to drive everyone to
use their products, because those products don't run on my machine.

But I can understand, if the webdav spec is fuzzy, that different people
might support it in different ways.

> > -----This Windows machine does not work ---
> >
> > - - [08/Nov/2000:16:15:10 -0800] "OPTIONS / HTTP/1.1" 200
> > -
> I wonder why it tries the root of the namespace ...

My fault.  I was curious whether it would say "Not webdav".  But it
get that far, cadaver just timed out.

> If you're building from CVS, you can probably give it another shot.
> Otherwise, wait until we release M5 (one week).

I'm behind a firewall here, so I guess I'll wait. ;-) Unless it turns
up in one of the nightly builds I can ftp?

Ray Allis

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