Title: Why tomcat NT service get killed when the user log off
Zhiping, even though jk_nt_service is being used to launch Tomcat, there is a bug in the Java 1.3 runtime under Windows that causes any java.exe process to be terminated when the user logs off.  The bug is that a console control handler is setup inside of the java runtime that detects the CTRL_LOGOFF_EVENT that is sent by Windows to each process when the user logs off and the handler inside of Java 1.3 is terminating the process when this occurs.  This is the correct operation for a normal application running but not the correct one for a service.
There is a couple of packages around, one being located at http://www.kcmultimedia.com/javaserv another at http://www.eworksmart.com/jnt that handle the CTRL_LOGOFF_EVENT.  I tried a couple of these and while I found that they indeed to stop the application from being terminated by the CTRL_LOGOFF_EVENT, I found that they interferred with the normal shutdown of Tomcat.  That is, using these packages, I was not able to shutdown Tomcat cleanly, which caused the servlets to not have their "destroy" method invoked. 
The reason that this occurs is because the way that these packages work is that they invoke the Java VM using the JNI interface.   When Tomcat is to be shutdown, the same JNI interface is used to invoke a shutdown method.  The problem occurs because the way that Tomcat (3.x) is shutdown is by using the APJ  interface to send the existing Tomcat instance a APJ shutdown message (through a TCP connection in fact).  These packages send the APJ message using the JNI interface, but when call returns, they assume that Tomcat is ready to be shutdown and they then tear down the Java VM running the Tomcat process.  In reality, the Tomcat process has not yet received the APJ message through its socket interface and as such has not shutdown cleanly and does not give the servlets a chance to have their "destroy" method called.
Because my application needs to have the servlet's "destroy" method called when Tomcat shuts down,  I solved this problem by using the source to "java.exe" launcher as a starting point and then modified it to install a console control handler that ignores the CTRL_LOGOFF_EVENT.  I called this new launcher "javaex.exe".  I then used jk_nt_service and changed the configuration file references of "java.exe" to "javaex.exe". 
I hope this helps.
-----Original Message-----
From: Zhiping Wei [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, November 15, 2000 5:38 PM
Subject: Why tomcat NT service get killed when the user log off

Please Help!!!

This is for tomcat 3.2 beta 7 on Windows NT/2000. Tomcat is registed as an NT service using 'jk_nt_service.exe' (under Systemlocal account). It's starts fine but if I log off the windows, tomcat get killed which is not suppose to be. Could anybody tell me why this happen and how to fix it.

-- Zhiping    (ext: 307)

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