"Lacerda, Wellington (AFIS)" wrote:

> Hi All,
> I've set up SSL on a 3.2b7 instance. Also I defined a context, say /wlss,
> with a directory and a resource, say /wlss1/index.htm inside that context.
> I want to configure that context in such a way that the access to
> /wlss1/index.htm is only allowed if the transport is guaranteed at
> confidential level(SSL). I read the spec and created this web.xml to do the
> job:
> <web-app>
>  <security-constraint>
>   <web-resource-collection>
>    <web-resource-name>a</web-resource-name>
>    <url-pattern>/wlss1/*</url-pattern>

Change this to "/*".  The <url-pattern> setting is relative to your context,
not to the server root.

>    <http-method>GET</http-method>
>    <http-method>POST</http-method>
>    <user-data-constraint>
>     <transport-guarantee>CONFIDENTIAL</transport-guarantee>
>    </user-data-constraint>
>   </web-resource-collection>
>  </security-constraint>
> </web-app>
> By my understanding, I'm allowing access to the resource collection "a" -
> mapped to /wlss1/anything with GET or POST only through a confidential
> transport - SSL.
> It's not working at all. I can still access it through normal http. Am I
> missing something here ?
> Another question - how to impose confidential transport to the entire
> context ?
> Thanks in advance for any help,
> Wellington Silva

Craig McClanahan

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