I have problem in building mod_jserv.
I am using linux, and get tomcat 3.1 binary source to build tomcat.
tomcat runs smoonthly in standalone mode, and then i would like to
integrate it with apache.

I can't find the directory "jakarta-tomcat/src/native/apache/jserv/" in
my jakarta-tomcat directory, "src" directory only has
"javax" and "org" two directories!!!!

Please help!!!

###############from tomcat_ug.html##############################
Building mod_jserv on UNIX involves the following:

Download the source distribution of Tomcat from here.
Uncompress it into some directory.
Building the module:
Change directory into jakarta-tomcat/src/native/apache/jserv/
Execute the build command
apxs -c *.c -o mod_jserv.so
apxs is part of the Apache distribution and should be located in your

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