--- "Craig R. McClanahan"
> "Ivan E. Markovic" wrote:
> > Quick question. How long are sessions inside
> Apache/Tomcat valid for?
> > In all the Servlet documentation I have it is
> stated that session
> > duration is server specific. So I checked the
> Tomcat and Apache docs
> > and could find no indicator as to what that
> duration was. Anyone able
> > to enlighten me?
> >
> You can set the default timeout in your web.xml
> file, using the <session-config>
> element (see the spec, or one of the books or
> articles that talk about the
> web.xml format).
> If you do not specify it, Tomcat defaults to 30
> minutes.
> Note that you can also change the timeout on a
> session dynamically, by calling
> the session.setMaxInactiveInterval() method.
> > I v a n ...
> Craig McClanahan
 but in that <session-config> tag what is the unit ?
secondes, minutes?

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