here are the exact steps for building apache with ssl. if you copy and past this, your apache build will work, get the software from, and
--------------------------cut here----------------------------------
this script has to hard coded things
--prefix and the setenv SSL_BASE
gunzip apache_1.3.12.tar.gz
tar -xvf apache_1.3.12.tar
gunzip openssl-0.9.5a.tar.gz 
tar -xvf openssl-0.9.5a.tar.gz 
gunzip mod_ssl-2.6.6-1.3.12.tar.gz
tar -xvf mod_ssl-2.6.6-1.3.12.tar
cd apache_1.3.12
./configure --prefix=/home/pakana/apache
cd ../openssl-0.9.5a
./config --prefix=/home/pakana/ssl
make test
make install
cd ../mod_ssl-2.6.6-1.3.12
./configure --with-apache=../apache_1.3.12
cd ../apache_1.3.12
setenv SSL_BASE ../openssl-0.9.5a
./configure \
--enable-module=ssl \
--enable-module=proxy \
--enable-shared=proxy \
--enable-module=rewrite \
--enable-shared=rewrite \
--prefix=/home/pakana/apache \
--enable-shared=ssl \
--enable-rule=SHARED_CORE \
--enable-rule=SHARED_CHAIN \
make certificate TYPE=test
make install
--------------------------cut here----------------------------------
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, December 14, 2000 4:44 PM
Subject: Setting up Apache/Tomcat for SSL

Yes, I'm reading furiously on the appropriate sites.  My question is about configuration.  I read that to run both a secure server and non-secure server on the same instance of Apache, one of them must be virtual.  The example given is for secure to be the non-virtual server, and it shows a server name of; non-secure is virtual with a server name of something like  However, the typical way of doing this is to have them both with a server name of, with secure accessed through https on port 443 and non-secure through http on port 80.  Can this be done?  I'm trying to use mod_ssl.
Also, could the kind person who provided a link to a pre-built mod_ssl enabled Apache please repost it?  I tried searching the digest site, and found that the search mechanism is broken.  Thanks.  (Our production environment is Solaris, development is Windows NT/2000).

Guy Rouillier
BroadBand Office
2950 Gallows Road
Falls Church, VA 22042


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