I think this url could be of some help though i havent tested it out
Hope this helps

On Sat, Dec 23, 2000 at 05:59:06PM +0100, Christian Parpart wrote:
>> -----Ursprungliche Nachricht-----
>> Von: Craig R. McClanahan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>> Christian Parpart wrote:
>> > Hi all
>> >
>> > how can I access a servlet wich is
>> > mapped to any *.xml file without giving him
>> > any prefix like /mywebapp?
>> >
>> >  <servlet>
>> >   <servlet-name>XmlFilter</servlet-name>
>> >   <servlet-class>myServlets.xmlFilter.XmlFilter</servlet-class>
>> >  </servlet>
>> >  <servlet-mapping>
>> >   <servlet-name>XmlFilter</servlet-name>
>> >   <url-pattern>*.xml</url-pattern>
>> >  </servlet-mapping>
>> >
>> > This should be accessable from every sub directory on my host.
>> >
>> >  <Host name="www.myhost.org">
>> >    <Context path=""
>> >             docBase="C:/path/to/htdocs"
>> >             debug="0" reloadable="true" trusted="true" >
>> >    </Context>
>> >  </Host>
>> >
>> > This data is stored in $tomcat/conf/web.xml, because I thought
>> > these information are available for all hosts defined in server.xml.
>> >
>> That was true in Tomcat 3.1 (and 4.0), but was changed in 3.2.  
>> You will need to
>> put your servlet and servlet-mapping definitions in the 
>> WEB-INF/web.xml file for
>> each application.
>Wonderfull, I think you know how to do that with 4.0, 'cause 
>I downloaded it and configured it without success.
>What should I do to use Cocoon2 or 1.8.1 dev for all my *.xml files.
>I had spend my hole nights to find that out - without any good results.
>Please give me an example if you know how to define that.
>> >
>> > But it doesn't work. Why and how should I define it?
>> >
>> > Thanks in advance,
>> >
>> > Christian Parpart
>> > SurakWare
>> > http://www.surakware.com
>> Craig McClanahan
>Christian Parpart

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