Tomcat 3.1, jserv module, and Apache 1.3.14 are installed and running on
RedHat 7.

The examples are running with the URL
http://newhost/examples/servlet/HelloWorldExample and

I have an application called "Bookstore" that was running on a stand-alone
TomCat installation on NT that was system copied to Linux (isn't Samba
wonderful). The application will run with the URL
http://newhost:8080/bookstore/enter but not http://newhost/bookstore/enter

the error message is:

Not Found
The requested URL /bookstore/enter was not found on this server.
Apache/1.3.14 Server at newhost.localdomain Port 80

webapps/bookstore/WEB-INF/web.xml is parsed correctly or it wouldn't run on
port 8080. What is wrong?

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

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