Greetings -

This is my first mail to the list so I hope I don't offend.  I am running
Tomcat 3.2 under Windows NT 4.0
and I am having trouble running JSP pages that use Java classes.  I get a
500 error (Internal Servlet
error) when trying to load them.  First of all, tomcat.bat is not building
CLASSPATH dynamically as it
should.  After Tomcat is running if I check CLASSPATH by typing "echo
%CLASSPATH%" at the
command line I get no results.  I have tried creating TOMCAT_HOME\classes
and putting the classes
there with no luck.  Also, in the test tree there are a few JSP documents
that use classes that do
not function either.  I have also tried setting CLASSPATH staticly myself
which does not work either.
This leaves me to wonder if CLASSPATH is the right variable or if it is even
being checked by Tomcat
at any time.  Basically, I just need to know where to put my classes and
what I need to do to get
Tomcat to see them.  Everything else under Tomcat seems to be okay.

Thanks in advance,

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