Is it in Dreamweaver UD your trying to make a live data 
connection, if so the driver must be accessible via 
Dreamweaver, this is not a tomcat config issue it would be 
local WS config (try throwing the dll in the system32 


> ...but I've been working and reading about this for 
several weeks, and I
> still can't figure out how to do it.
> I have a local website whose root is based at /u1/www.
> I want all .jsp files to be handled by Tomcat.
> When I connect to http://localhost, I get the index.html 
file under
> .../tomcat/webapps/ROOT.
> When I connect to http://localhost/index.html, I get the 
index.html file
> from /u1/www.
> When I connect to http://localhost/surveyor.jsp, I get 
HTTP 404 file not
> found.
> I'm using Macromedia Dreamweaver to generate the JSP 
files and attempting to
> access MySQL via the mm.msql driver. When I connect from 
Dreamweaver, it
> tells me that there is no driver available.
> Here's my tomcat.conf file (this tends to change 40-50 
times per day):
> LoadModule jserv_module libexec/apache/
> <IfModule mod_jserv.c>
> # Do not edit!
> ApJServManual on
> ApJServDefaultProtocol ajpv12
> ApJServSecretKey DISABLED
> ApJServMountCopy on
> ApJServLogLevel notice
> ApJServLogFile /var/log/mod_jserv.log
> ### Change if you run tomcat on a different host
> ApJServDefaultHost localhost
> ApJServDefaultPort 8007
> #################### All jsp files will go to tomcat 
> ApJServMount default /root
> AddType text/jsp .jsp
> AddHandler jserv-servlet .jsp
> ############################## Context mapping - all 
requests go to tomcat
> ApJServMount /servlet /root
> #
> ############################## Context mapping - you need 
to "deploy"
> # ( copy or ln -s ) the context into htdocs
> ##
> # ApJservMount /CONTEXT/servlet /root
> # <Location /CONTEXT/WEB-INF/ >
> # AllowOverride None
> # deny from all
> # </Location>
> <LocationMatch /*.jsp>
> SetHandler jserv-servlet
> </LocationMatch>
> </IfModule>
> I feel like an absolute idiot, because I keep reading and 
re-reading the
> documentation at, but nothing seems to 
work. I hope this
> isn't a terrible problem because I believe other websites 
have .jsp files in
> their root directory. What's going on??
> Glen Campbell
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Boyd Wilson
School of Engineering and Applied Science
Miami University
Oxford, OH  45056



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