This may be more of a developer question, but the guidelines seem to
discourage non-developers from posting to the developer list, so I apologize
if this is the wrong place.

I don't know if any of you out there are using interbase with Tomcat 3.2.1,
but I'm attempting to do so.

I'm curious about the behavior when a user first enters a secured realm.
Using the exact same setup as I've used successfully using the jdbc-odbc
bridge and mysql, i'm trying to authenticate a user. I can do so fine if I
force my way into login.jsp.

However, if I just try to connect to a secured area, tomcat throws a
NullPointerException, which appears to have bubbled up from the jdbc driver.
Apparently, when a user first enters a secured realm tomcat calls
authenticate(null, null) or something. The interbase JDBC driver appears NOT
to like this behavior.

However, it would seem to me that the proper behavior in the case of a null
username would be to return false immediately, rather than run a query off
the database with a null parameter.

The code I'm referring to is circa line 306 in

Any thoughts?


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