P.S. to Michael:
Sure. If you don't know anything about it, don't waste internet bandwidth
sending it.

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Wentzel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, February 12, 2001 8:35 AM
Subject: RE: Tomcat Servlets & IIS ASP ?

> I have servlets that insert code into responses (using 
> filters) and I'd like
> to know if my client is using an ASP on IIS, will I be able 
> to catch the
> response and insert my html code in that response?
> Also, will I be able to get requests also before IIS has 
> start processing
> that ASP?

I know I've heard of, but haven't delt with, COM brokers for java
so you might check into that for some possibilities.

Maybe a servlet that you could make a COM request from the ASP
using this brokerage that would pass back the html but not actually
"insert" the html.  Just a stab in the dark.  I haven't done
anything like this myself.

Definitely an interesting prospect you have going there....

PS - Hey look John G. you get to see another of my responses on the
     list!!!  Lucky you.

Michael Wentzel
Software Developer
Software As We Think - http://www.aswethink.com

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