The reason it is crashing is because you are forwarding to a JSP page, 
however you have already taken over jsp processing in your servlet by 
declaring that it should handle *.jsp, thus it forwards in a circle until 
it runs out of stack space.
Try using another extension for your controller, such as .ktx as we use in 
ours.  This can then forward sucessfully to jsps! 

Should be:

Then your links can be to index.ktx instead and it will got through ok.

Kiss Technologies

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"Sharon Cohen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
05/08/2003 13:42
Please respond to "Tomcat Users List"
        To:     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        Subject:        Front Controller  Servlet

I am trying to build FrontController servlet for a web site on Tomcat 4 ,
after long time of changes on the web.xml file , I wasn't able to achieve
this pattern,
the web.xml portion is :


my problem start when the FrontController servlet needs to forward the
request to other jsp pages
and when he uses the Forward method , the tomcat activate my 
again , and after a  while  I get : StackOverflowError .

Thanks for any help

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