Am at the end of my rope trying to get tomcat 3.2.3
to run a simple webapp on my debian linux server.
The same tomcat binary runs the webapp fine on
my development debian linux system in tomcat 
standalone mode, but gets a 404 error (page not 
found) when run with apache on the server box.

Figured it has to be a simple stupid problem
with the apache-tomcat adapter config.  Have
tried everything in the docs about setting up
the adapter and still keep getting 404.  Have
both and installed in
the apache libexec directory, and have pointed
httpd.conf alternately to tomcat-apache.conf and
mod_jk.conf-auto, but nothing makes any difference.
Keeping getting 404.
This is a simple servlet, not a jsp although am 
currently using a .jsp extension for the generated 
pages.  Was originally using an app-specific 
extension for the generated files, which also 
works fine on the development system standalone 
but gives 404 with apache on the server.

Being a Java developer, have considered bugging
the tomcat source with printlns to see where the
problem might be, but there are a lot of .java
files and I don't have a clue re the tomcat
architecture to know what to instrument and 
recompile to get a handle on this using that
approach (not that I think the problem is in
the tomcat code, but it might give a clue as
to what in the config files is incorrect.

Have also downloaded tomcat 4 in exasperation
and considered junking tomcat 3.2.3, but tomcat 4
has a while new set of config files, and I've 
just started getting used to the structure of 
the 3.2.3 config files.  My mind is about fried 
and can't handle learning a whole new tomcat 
config set up at this point.

Have been beating my head against the wall for 
a couple weeks on this. (A nice tomcat config 
tool where you enter the name of the servlet,
the classpath to the servlet, the path to
to the webapps file, and other simple data 
like that, and have the various config files
gen'd automatically would probably solve my 

Have checked this group's archive logs for 404
errors to see if anyone else has had this
problem, but there are 15800 messages related
to 404 problems!  Maybe someone has, but tough
to find it in that big a pile.

So my apologies for yet another 404 post, but
this is driving me nuts (and not doing my web
site any good either.)  Any clues or ideas as 
to the solution would be appreciated.  Thanks.

Rick Lutowski
Principal, JReality

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