Hi all,

Summary of my problem is that I'm unable to access a global JNDI data source via a ResourceLink when that link is declared inside a DefaultContext element. When I attempt the lookup, I get "javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: Name jdbc is not bound in this Context"

However, If I place the ResourceLink inside explicity declared Context elements, all works fine and I can access the data source from multiple webapps.

The non-working server.xml using a DefaultContext is here:

The working server.xml using explicit Contexts is here:

The diff of the two files, showing that the context declaration is the only difference, is here:

My system is Tomcat 4.1.27 running on Sun Linux j2sdk1.4.1. The data source configuration is commons DBCP over Postgres 7.3.2.

Anyone have any experience with this issue, or can see something I've missed in the config?


Cam Smith Solid State ---------------- p: 613 9525 5040 f: 613 9593 8594 m: 0416 150 422 e: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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