> I believe many other of you have encountered the high memory usage with
> tomcat? Is there a way to decrease the amount the java processes use?

yes, take a close look at the Tomcat configuration reference (Connectors)

> Furthermore, all the java processes are started under user root.
> Is there a way to start the java processes under another user?

This has been discussed approx. 2874438 times on this list ;-)

> Any particular version of java and/or tomcat adviced to deal with these
> problems?

In general, memory comsumption is likely to decrease with newer JDKs. I also
noted a noticeably startup speed improvement using 1.4.2 - but YMMV
depending on deployment needs/restrictions. It might also be worth trying
JDKs from different vendors.

Regarding TC versions: always try to stay as up to date as possible - there
are lot of continuos improvements regarding speed, stability, memory
consumption and of cause fixed bugs. Additionally, TC5 has seen a lot of
improvements regarding its "inner workings" resulting in better overall
speed and less memory consumption.

> I guess auditing the java applications which are written is also very nice
> to do and fixup some memory leaks if they're there?

There a lot of different tools (commercial and OSS) available, just do a
search on google.


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