on Wed, 20 Aug 2003 15:55:50 +0200 (MET DST) Mipam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Hi,
> [..]
> Furthermore, all the java processes are started under user root.

Actually it's not up to java or tomcat.

> Is there a way to start the java processes under another user?

su user -c path_to_executable
or login as user and then run the code.
Also it's possible but unprobable that your java is suided (no way!)

> Any particular version of java and/or tomcat adviced to deal with
> these problems?

No, you rather should experiment with options liek (sun java) -Xm*
and/or gc options

> I guess auditing the java applications which are written is also very
> nice to do and fixup some memory leaks if they're there?

IMO it's hard to make a real memory leak in java.

Regards, Rufio

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