Has anybody any idea what triggers to generate a new server.xml file and replace the original?

It looks like my original server.xml file was mysteriously moved to server.xml.yyyy-mm-dd.hh-min-sec
and was replaced with a new server.xml file, which although it kept the configuration for all the original
contexts, it looked unrecognizable. It seems completely generated because all of the comments are
gone, including the ones which come with the default server.xml. Also, it is totally unreadable due to
the line wrap.

This is the first time I've encountered something like this, and have never been aware of anything that
could trigger generation of a new server.xml.
On the day when this occurred, the was nothing unusual done to the server configuration on my part.
The server was brought down on multiple occasions to pick up new contexts, that's all.

So, would anybody have any explanation for this?


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