This is in a JSP page (which of course becomes a servlet).

Do I have to set the encoding in Tomcat perhaps?

-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Priest [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, September 04, 2003 5:16 PM
Subject: Character Encoding problem (umlauts, etc).

> I have a servlet that catches a request for a file.
> But if that file has characters such as an umlaut in it (for example: ل),
> the path info is all wrong.
> For example:  I am requesting file : 
> "/38CF278C0186B466222FC48571080B83/51/dms00051/للل.txt"
> but what is coming across in the request is:
> "/38CF278C0186B466222FC48571080B83/51/dms00051/???.txt"
> I have tried:
> String requestPathInfo5 = new
> String(request.getPathInfo().getBytes("ISO-8859-1"));
> String requestPathInfo5 = new
> String(request.getPathInfo().getBytes("Unicode"));
> String requestPathInfo5 = new
> String(request.getPathInfo().getBytes("UTF8"));
> String requestPathInfo5 = new
> String(request.getPathInfo().getBytes("UnicodeLittle"));
> But none of them are returning correctly.
> Does anyone know what the correct know what is the correct unicode
> encoding I should have?
> Any other suggestions?
> I know this problem has been solved before so If you could point me in the
> direction of the solution on the web that is fine.
> THanks in advance.

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