Make sure your web.xml file(s) (and maybe server.xml) are all valid XML documents.

An easy way to do that is to open them in IE or mozilla.

For web.xml - also make sure it is valid against its dtd.



Hiya all.
I'am on Apache2/TC404, I was trying to make the Manager Application work
on 404.
I modified the context path in defaultHost="localhost" and a couple of
vosts to include path="/manager" and docbase="manager".
Then I found out I am missing altogether
Nothing I could do, so Ibacked out the changes, but I get this error n
catalina.out on startup and shutdown:

Starting service Tomcat-Apache
Apache Tomcat/4.0.4
PARSE error at line 14 column 13
org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: The content of element type "servlet"
must match
Stopping service Tomcat-Apache

Nothwithstanding, everything else under /path/to/webapps/private-stuff
work find - dog's bollock if ever there was one.
So how do I get rid of this spurious SAXParseException error message ?

TIA :-)

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