With the amount of info and config available, I am at a loss. At this point, I would start from a virgin install, make sure that works ok. Then start making incremental changes and wait for things to error.



Yes, that's what I did before all these troubles started.
I've tried removing all the enties that I've made relating to manager
and then re-instating them, same error message in catalina.out.
Yet TC404 keeps on working.
server.xml has not got a DTD, but that's not required.

Tim Funk wrote:

The manager webapp is in catalina.jar. In 4.0.4, you declaration for the
manager should look like this:
<Context path="/manager" docBase="manager" debug="0" privileged="true"/>
Then there should be manager dir in the webapps directory from the default
tomcat install.



Hi Tim.
Thx for the tip.
I think it is complaining about not finding
org.apache.catalina.servlets.ManagerServlet, which is in
In the meantime I've commented out the path and docBase for manager in
server.xml, but the error persists without affecting any other apps.
Opening the web.xml with Mozilla simply shows a long, unbroken,
hard-to-read string of code.
Do you know where I can get a copy of
org.apache.catalina.servlets.ManagerServlet for 4.0.4 ?
Arthur :-)

Tim Funk wrote:

Make sure your web.xml file(s) (and maybe server.xml) are all valid XML

An easy way to do that is to open them in IE or mozilla.

For web.xml - also make sure it is valid against its dtd.



Hiya all.
I'am on Apache2/TC404, I was trying to make the Manager Application work
on 404.
I modified the context path in defaultHost="localhost" and a couple of
vosts to include path="/manager" and docbase="manager".
Then I found out I am missing altogether
Nothing I could do, so Ibacked out the changes, but I get this error n
catalina.out on startup and shutdown:

Starting service Tomcat-Apache
Apache Tomcat/4.0.4
PARSE error at line 14 column 13
org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: The content of element type "servlet"
must match
Stopping service Tomcat-Apache

Nothwithstanding, everything else under /path/to/webapps/private-stuff
work find - dog's bollock if ever there was one.
So how do I get rid of this spurious SAXParseException error message ?

TIA :-)

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