> I am trying to use the JNDI realm to access our Active Directory.  The
> server.xml entry I have is:
>    <Realm className="org.apache.catalina.realm.JNDIRealm" debug="99"
>     connectionURL="ldap://ou=migrated
>     userBase="cn=Users,dc=enterprisenet,dc=org"
>     userSearch="(userPrincipalName={0})"
>     userRoleName="member"
>     roleBase="CN=Users,dc=enterprisenet.org,dc=org"
>     roleName="cn"
>     roleSearch="(member={0})"
>     connectionName="CN=jndildap,CN=Users,DC=enterprisenet.org,DC=org"
>     connectionPassword="Umisvc01"
>     roleSubtree="true"
>     userSubtree="true" />
> When I start Tomcat I get
> Catalina.start: LifecycleException:  Exception opening directory server
> connecti
> on:  javax.naming.CommunicationException: localhost:389 [Root exception is
> java.
> net.ConnectException: Connection refused: connect]
> LifecycleException:  Exception opening directory server connection:
> javax.namin
> g.CommunicationException: localhost:389 [Root exception is
> java.net.ConnectExcep
> tion: Connection refused: connect]
> Does anyone have any idea what may be wrong with this?

You are trying to connect to a LDAP server on your localhost, and apparently
your company's Active Directory server != your dev-box ;-)

Try setting "connectionURL" to something like
"ldap://ads-servername.mydomain.com:389"; - I wonder what all that stuff in
your connectionURL means, IMHO this rather belongs to "userBase".

See also
for a very good explanation and some example configurations.


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