This problem comes up on the Ant (Ant is what is doing the build)
mailing list somewhat frequently.  It usually results in you adding the
ant.jar file to the jdk/lib/ext directory.  Otherwise, there is usually some
jar file in there that the user added which make JavaC not work with ant any

        By the way, Tomcat is written in Java and distributed as .jar files,
so you don't have to build it (you could if you want to, but its not
necessary).  Unless you want the latest from CVS.


-----Original Message-----
From: Jennifer Dyess [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, February 14, 2001 1:36 PM
Subject: problem building tomcat 3.2.1 on Solaris x86

I'm having a problem building TomCat v321 on a Solaris x86 intel box.

I receive the error "cannot use classic compiler..."

I've got the java2 sdk installed.  The path to javac is in my
path/classpath.  I can type javac from any dir and it appears to be

Searching thru the mail archives, I found a bug had been filed on this exact
problem, but on linux.  Unfortunately, there was no
fix/workaround/resolution.  Here's a link to the bug:

bash-2.03# ./
Searching for build.xml ...
Buildfile: /usr/pkgs/jakarta-tomcat-3.2.1-src/build.xml

     [copy] Copying 1 files to /usr/pkgs/build/tomcat/conf

    [javac] Compiling 217 source files to /usr/pkgs/build/tomcat/classes


/usr/pkgs/jakarta-tomcat-3.2.1-src/build.xml:94: Cannot use classic
compiler, as
 it is not available

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