Well I didn't see where he made them sound like MS, they have given too
much to the open source community for anyone to label them that way.  I
guess either you agree with a standard or you don't.  There is United
Linux for enterprise with SuSE, Turbo Linux, another distro (I can't
remember their name), and go figure (SCO...??? They need to go away).  I
think RH, SuSE, and the others need to come together and support LSB and
keep extending that, but hey they are Linux regardless, but they aren't
doing themselves any favors by not standardizing.  The one thing they
should not want is the Unix wars all over again. Losing battle.  

I would use Debian more if I could get more binary packages precompiled
for it.  Takes too much time to compile everything (but anyways).  I
think RH is a good company.  They have devoted plenty of man power to
Linux, and no one can argue with that.  They have a completely free
version, then they have the version that keeps them alive.  SuSE and
others have done the same.  They have all fixed bugs in different
projects and contributed.  

As for the article, it's almost 2 years old if you can go by the dates
in the url.  That would be about right per the comment about SuSE laying
off employees in the US.  They are Germany based, so that would make
sense to me.  Reign in their efforts to provide a better product.  They
seem to be soaring away now days (doing well).  RH seems to be doing the
same if you look at their revenues.

Anyways, this is the Tomcat list, so I wouldn't want to get into a large
debate on the list.  Those are just some observations.  The distros have
their own lists for these types of discussions.  I think they all have
their place, but like everything you are always going to have a few out
shine the others.  It's one thing you can rely on, for right or wrong.


-----Original Message-----
From: Adam Hardy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, November 04, 2003 8:54 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: [OT] Linux Distribution

On 11/04/2003 01:43 PM Wade Chandler wrote:
> Actually Red Hat isn't just dropping their free distro.  They are 
> moving to a model closer to the model you see right here. 
> http://fedora.redhat.com Why not just use that?  You are used to the 
> Red Hat setup (I guess).  SuSE is a good distro.  You could also use 
> Debian, but you'll find Red Hat and SuSE more commercially supported.

> Depends on what you need I guess.  You can still download Fedora for 
> free (all ISO's).  Their new model is a good thing.  Red Hat 
> developers working with the rest of the open source community.  
> Awesome.  They're more open.

That's the first time I've seen anyone say anything good about RedHat 
for a while. I've heard some horror stories about RedHat from people
working for RedHat so hearing the other side of the coin is interesting.

What about this:

He says SuSE and all the others need to consolidate a linux standard, 
and he also doesn't say anything good about RedHat, he makes them sound 
like Microsoft.


struts 1.1 + tomcat 5.0.12 + java 1.4.2
Linux 2.4.20 RH9

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