Am I missing something here?  I have successfully(???) configured a
connection pool, which I can use when accessing my app via port 8080.

Well, if you can use it then you have been successful. Can you use it or can't you?

However, when I try to do the same using apache/mod_webapp, I am unable
to get a connection.

The use of mod_webapp should not interfere with any CP stuff.

Is this a problem with mod_webapp, or do I simply need to relocate my
resource in server.xml (it is currently at the <context> level)

If you are using a Realm with your JNDI datasource, then you'll have to have the DataSource defined at the global level. That's what I found while doing the same thing. You can define the Realm at the Context level, but you'll need a reference to the global datasource in the context, and then another reference in your web.xml to the same thing.


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