Thanks, Tim, for the even handed response.

I'm not looking for a business case to choose one or the other, however; it
is certain that our customers will be deploying our application on both
Linux and Windows (and even Solaris).  I'm just looking to find out whether
or not OS service (TCP/IP stacks, threads, file I/O, etc...) implementation
differences between Linux and Windows have a significant impact on
performance and thus should be weighed accordingly.

I received a response in email from Peter Lin in which he details his
experience (which was very helpful; thank you, Peter).  I've read Peter's
article about performance tuning and a few other white papers as well, but I
haven't really seen anything in the past that focused on OS differences and
how those differences might affect the recommended approach to profiling and

My conclusions from my readings so far:  Slow java code (i.e.: algorithms)
will be slow on any platform; change the implementation to make it faster.
Configurable behaviour dependent upon OS services (TCP/IP stacks, threads,
file I/O, etc...) should be tuned for the platform on which the application
will live.

PS:  I was sad to learn that the Tomcat Performance Handbook publishing date
would be postponed.  I would be thrilled if either you or Peter could tell
me that the book will see a printer's press anytime soon.

PPS:  Is there a wiki for this stuff anywhere?

"Tim Funk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> [I hate saying this since its rather very much like flambait but...]
> If its worth anything, I haven't had enough load on any of our apps to
> whether Linux or Windows is better. Instead, look at:
> *** - Maintenance - If your a windows shop - stay windows ***
> - Debugging - I think troubleshooting is easier on *nix systems (YMMV)
> - Comfort - If your comfortable with unix concepts - linux might be easier
> than windows
> -Tim
> Sean Dockery wrote:
> > I am planning to profile a web application on Windows XP (my development
> > platform).  I am curious as to whether or not different components in
> > and the JVM will behave differently (in a relative comparison) on Linux
> > (production platform) than Windows.
> >
> > For example, I have had a person tell me that threads under Linux are
> > performant than threads under Windows--leading to the corollary that web
> > applications under Linux are more performant than web applications under
> > Windows on the same hardware.  My guess is that this claim is based upon
> > supposition that thread/context switches under Linux are faster than
> > Windows.  I find the claim rather dubious because I've never seen data
> > support the claim, but doubt is not certainty.
> >
> > Is there any evidence that this claim and other component performance
> > differences between the Windows and Linux platform exist and are
> > enough to throw my performance measurements out the "window".  :-)
> >
> > My concern is that I'll profile the application under Windows and tune
> > but then find that my gains aren't as significant or maybe even
> > under Linux.

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