On Mon, December 15, 2003 at 9:42 am, Sean Dockery wrote:
> "Tim Funk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message:
>> [I hate saying this since its rather very much like flambait
>> but...]
>> If its worth anything, I haven't had enough load on any of our apps
>> to know whether Linux or Windows is better. Instead, look at: ***
>> - Maintenance - If your a windows shop - stay windows *** -
>> Debugging - I think troubleshooting is easier on *nix systems
>> (YMMV) - Comfort - If your comfortable with unix concepts - linux
>> might be easier than windows
> Thanks, Tim, for the even handed response.
> I'm not looking for a business case to choose one or the other,
> however; it is certain that our customers will be deploying our
> application on both Linux and Windows (and even Solaris). I'm just
> looking to find out whether or not OS service (TCP/IP stacks,
> threads, file I/O, etc...) implementation differences between Linux
> and Windows have a significant impact on performance and thus should
> be weighed accordingly.

Not enough difference to make it a deciding factor between the two
platforms.  IMO, Tim's criteria are spot on when deciding what platform to
deploy on.  Personally, I prefer Unix as I find it easier to setup and
administer.  Of course, the majority of my experience with Tomcat is on
Unix, and not on Windows.

If you haven't looked already, have a look at the Volano benchmarks
(google for it) for some numbers on the scalability and performance of
different JVM, but note that those numbers won't necessarily reflect the
performance of YOUR application running on Tomcat.

> My conclusions from my readings so far: Slow java code (i.e.:
> algorithms) will be slow on any platform; change the implementation
> to make it faster. Configurable behaviour dependent upon OS services
> (TCP/IP stacks, threads, file I/O, etc...) should be tuned for the
> platform on which the application will live.

I think you've got the idea.


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