Here is our architecture.

5 web servers (web1 - web5) and 4 java servers (java4-java7)

Each Webserver is using the same version of mod_jk (version 1.2.5) and
apache (1.3.27). Each java server is running the same version of tomcat
(3.3.1a). Red Hat is being used on both web servers and java servers.

When we have  mod_jk load balancing turned on (see config at url below) the
following errors (see in tomcat.err
are present.

On the webserver, the mod_jk error file shows:

[Tue Dec 16 18:18:27 2003]  [jk_ajp_common.c (1303)]: ERROR: Client
connection aborted or network problems

Turning mod_jk load balancing off fixes this problem.

A copy of the file is available at


1. What is the definition of "client" according to mod_jk. In the error
message from mod_jk (see above) "client connection aborted" means tomcat
aborted the connection (tomcat being the client) or apache/mod_jk aborted
the connection.

2. Are there any values (like socket_keepalive) that are missing in my file?

Let me know if you need any more info.

Blake Crosby   - Operations
Platform Administrator
voice://+1.416.205.3103  mobile://+1.416.884.5828

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