"Blake Crosby" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Here is our architecture.
> 5 web servers (web1 - web5) and 4 java servers (java4-java7)
> Each Webserver is using the same version of mod_jk (version 1.2.5) and
> apache (1.3.27). Each java server is running the same version of tomcat
> (3.3.1a). Red Hat is being used on both web servers and java servers.
> When we have  mod_jk load balancing turned on (see config at url below)
> following errors (see http://titan.cbc.ca/~bcrosby/tomcat.txt) in
> are present.
> On the webserver, the mod_jk error file shows:
> [Tue Dec 16 18:18:27 2003]  [jk_ajp_common.c (1303)]: ERROR: Client
> connection aborted or network problems
> Turning mod_jk load balancing off fixes this problem.
> A copy of the workers.properties file is available at
> http://titan.cbc.ca/~bcrosby/workers.txt.
> Questions:
> 1. What is the definition of "client" according to mod_jk. In the error
> message from mod_jk (see above) "client connection aborted" means tomcat
> aborted the connection (tomcat being the client) or apache/mod_jk aborted
> the connection.

"Client" means the browser.  The message usually means that e.g. the user
hit the "stop" button.  However, in this case it looks like a problem with
the load-balancer.  At least that's what a quick look at the code suggests.

> 2. Are there any values (like socket_keepalive) that are missing in my
> workers.properties file?

KeepAlive shouldn't matter much.

> Let me know if you need any more info.
> -- 
> Blake Crosby   -   CBC.ca Operations
> Platform Administrator
> voice://+1.416.205.3103  mobile://+1.416.884.5828

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