
Ferreira, André wrote:
Can someone please explain to me what does "Connection reset by peer" means?
Does it mean the server does not recognize the connection attempt from
Tomcat or are there some other explanations.
Or is there some port not available.......:-(.

Since TCP is a connection-less protocol, it uses a three-way handshake to simulate a connection. The client sends a packet with only the SYN bit set, the server replies with a SYN ACK packet and the client acknowledges this with a single ACK. After that, server and client have agreed to act as if they were actually connected to each other and they begin to actually exchange data. If now at any time one of the two sends a packet with the RST (reset) bit set, this indicates that the makeshift connection has been disrupted. This can have many reasons.
So, "connection reset by peer" on one end (e.g. the broswer) means, that the other end (in this case the server) closed the connection for reasons unknown.
In this case, the server process is running fine and the port is available as well, the server just wouldn't talk to you.


And on the seventh day, He exited from append mode.
(Book of create(2), line 255)

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