I am using Tomcat 5.0.16 standalone serving as both an http/https web server
and servlet container. This error occurred in our QA environment and has
caused Tomcat to hang and not service any requests. This error seemed to
occur when no users were using the site at the time, but about 4 DAYS
earlier we preformed a stress test simulating 1200 semi-simultaneous users
and everything worked perfectly without any errors. Since the stress test we
are only accessing the application as an occasional single user, the last
time being about 8 hours prior to this error happening. Most parameters in
the server.xml file are the default values (the maxThreads value is set to

Our log file is in xml format and contains the following error;






  <message>All threads (150) are currently busy, waiting. Increase
maxThreads (150) or check the servlet status</message>


fyi. Nowhere in my application is the code creating any threads.


We are very close to our site being live so any help or information would be
greatly appreciated. Would tomcat 4.1.29 be more stable?


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