Hi all,

I apologize in advance for starting another logging thread, but I have some questions that no amount of googling and archive surfing can seem to answer:

1) Is there a good reason why the startup.sh script that comes bundled with Tomcat 5.0.16 adds commons-logging-api.jar to the CLASSPATH? As far as I can tell, it's the only script that uses it.

2) Is there a recommended way to control what gets spewed into catalina.out? The fact that all the messages I'm getting have an INFO tag would indicate that this should be possible.

So far, the best I can come up with is to add commons-logging.jar and log4j.jar into /server/libs and adding in a log4j.properties in /server/classes. This way I can still (theoretically) use commons-logging/log4j in my webapps' WEB-INF/lib without having to deal with classloader problems.

I say theoretically because when I reload my webapp, log4j complains that it cannot find any appenders, so there's still something screwy going on that I haven't figure out yet.

The other problem I have with this approach is that it seems to completely ignore the parameters in server.xml that purport to control the Logger's verbosity.

3) In any case, why doesn't Tomcat just come with commons-logging.jar and log4j.jar bundled in /server/libs?

4) Is there a FAQ or HOWTO on recommended approaches to handling logging in Tomcat somewhere?

Thanks, -Mark

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