Shapira, Yoav wrote:

>1) Is there a reason why the script that comes bundled with
>Tomcat 5.0.16 adds commons-logging-api.jar to the CLASSPATH?  As far as
>I can tell, it's the only script that uses it.

Yes, there's a good reason: tomcat internals use commons-logging to do
their logging.

Yes, but why put it in the CLASSPATH and not in /server/lib? Doesn't this mean that any configuration would affect all webapps?

>2) Is there a recommended way to control what gets spewed into
>catalina.out?  The fact that all the messages I'm getting have an INFO
>tag would indicate that this should be possible.

Yes, add a commons-logging configuration file to common/classes, e.g. as
suggested in this link off the tomcat FAQ:

I saw that, and that has a config file for log4j, not commons-logging. There is no way to actually filter the output through the commons-logging config file. I'd like a way to only suppress catalina's output.

If I use a, it means I'd need to install log4j in /common/lib. It also means that I have to specify all logging config info in /common/classes instead of on a per-webapp basis (see[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg113292.html).

>3) In any case, why doesn't Tomcat just come with commons-logging.jar
>and log4j.jar bundled in /server/libs?

Tomcat does not want to tie you into a specific logging implementation,
e.g. log4j.  Tomcat wants to make its logging available to webapps by
default, so server/lib is not a possible location.

But doesn't this just lead to classloader hell?

>4) Is there a FAQ or HOWTO on recommended approaches to handling
>in Tomcat somewhere?

It won't hurt to search the archives of this list, there are many
answers there.  The link above also has some information.

I'm sorry, but I have searched the archives, and there just doesn't seem to be one conclusive answer. I see a lot of e-mails talking about the use of commons-logging and how it causes all sorts of classloader wierdness.

What I'm looking for is a way to specify logging configuration for catalina that is independent of any webapps I may have.

I don't want 1 for everything. Is this possible? If so, how? I'd be more than happy to write up a HOW-TO if I could just figure this out, but I haven't stumbled across anything that works yet.

Thanks, -Mark

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