If you are using the rpms, you will have to tell
configure where to find the libraries and include

Type ./configure --help for the syntax

  --with-PACKAGE[=ARG]    use PACKAGE [ARG=yes]
  --without-PACKAGE       do not use PACKAGE (same as
  --with-gnu-ld           assume the C compiler uses
GNU ld default=no
  --with-pic              try to use only PIC/non-PIC
objects default=use both
  --with-apxs=FILE      location of apxs for Apache
  --with-apxs2=FILE      location of apxs for Apache
  --with-apache13=DIR           Location of apache13
source dir
  --with-apache13-include=DIR   Location of apache13
include dir
  --with-apache13-lib=DIR       Location of apache13
lib dir
  --with-apache2=DIR           Location of apache2
source dir
  --with-apache2-include=DIR   Location of apache2
include dir
  --with-apache2-lib=DIR       Location of apache2 lib
  --with-iis=DIR           Location of iis source dir
  --with-iis-include=DIR   Location of iis include dir
  --with-iis-lib=DIR       Location of iis lib dir
  --with-iplanet=DIR           Location of iplanet
source dir
  --with-iplanet-include=DIR   Location of iplanet
include dir
  --with-iplanet-lib=DIR       Location of iplanet lib
  --with-tomcat33=DIR      Location of tomcat33
  --with-tomcat40=DIR      Location of tomcat40
  --with-tomcat41=DIR      Location of tomcat41
  --with-apr=DIR           Location of APR source dir
  --with-apr-include=DIR   Location of APR include dir
  --with-apr-lib=DIR       Location of APR lib dir
  --with-java-home=DIR     Location of JDK directory.
  --with-java-platform=2   Force the Java platorm
                           (value is 1 for 1.1.x or 2 
                           for 1.2.x or greater)
  --with-os-type=SUBDIR    Location of JDK os-type 
  --with-jni               Build jni support
  --with-pcre              Build pcre support

I don't use the RPMs for the web server, but I think
it's because those RPMs place the include and library
files in a place not known by apxs2.


just my two cents . . . .

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