
I was asking about this subject on this list a while back  
but I've not managed to get it working yet.

In short.  I'm working on an intranet application and I want
my users to only have to log in once.  If they start a new 
browser session it should pick up their details and not ask
them to log in.

I expect the username/password should live in a persistent cookie,
and I've been using FORM based authentication on Tomcat 4.1.23.

I've spent days faffing about with redirects from servlets to 
"j_security_check" (which has never worked for me) and filters
on "/" etc. etc. etc.

I came back to this today and played with Single Sign-on and 
Persistent sessions in the hope that might do it.

Does anyone out there have this working?  


Best regards

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