Yep I see what you mean know (fog of stupidity lifts).
Ok so to iterate, the problem is that since linux
has multiple workers, these workers will want to attach
themselves to their own tomcat instance. 
How about this then..instead of launching
several tomcat instances (which you cant), why not
create a "virtual tomcat" construct? This would be 
a proxy to a single instance of Tomcat so you'd
have something like this:

        worker     worker               worker
           |              |              |
           |              |              |
        virtualTC     virtualTC      virtualTC
                   \            |           /
                    \       |      /
                     \      |       /
                   Single TC instance

Feel free to stop me when I start annoying you too much ;)


PS. I'll start gathering info for the documentation.

-----Original Message-----
From: Mladen Turk [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 08 January 2004 17:54
To: 'Tomcat Users List'
Subject: RE: mod_jk2 JNI question for the brave :)


> From: Yiannis Mavroukakis
> I thought I had a rough understanding but it turns out that I 
> dont %-) Do you mean that JNI will work only under one worker 
> containing a single child process?

Are you using the Tomcat as in or out of the process?
In process tomcat (invoked from webserver) can be used only with the single
worker mpm's.

If you have multiple worker processes each of them would need to load it's
own Tomcat instance, but try to start the two TC instances from
The second will die immediately.

Think that under linux there is no mpm that will allow you to have a single
child process.
Even the threaded, launches a few childs and shares the connection threads
among them.


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