14.01.2004 09:55 :

Many-to-many configuration!

Graham Reeds wrote:

Something that has puzzled me for a few weeks now, and that is why use
Tomcat and Apache together?  Tomcat serves up HTML pages as well JSP so
where is the benefit in running both?  Even if Apache was faster at serving
regular html pages than Tomcat surely the milliseconds gained would be eaten
away by the latency of the connection speed?

Actually there are cases were it is more secure running only tomcat.

By configuring a Realm, you can make the static html-pages served by tomcat be accessed by only users who have logged in through a webapp cofigured to use the same realm. Using apache (httpd) and Tomcat together, through jk2, doesn't enable this, afaik.

Also; instead of having three points of failure (httpd, mod_jk2 and tomcat), the tomcat only scheme gives you only one (plus your own apps of course).

It also lessens the threshold in getting things running on linux, as I have seen a fair amount of trouble compiling/configuring mod_jk2 on that platform.

We switched to using only tomcat. An apache benchmark (using ab.exe) showed only minor differences in access time.

I guess Tomcat will use more memory than Apache httpd.
Other disadvantages?

Olve S. Hansen
Intermedia (http://www.intermedia.uib.no)
Tlf: 55 58 83 96

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