> >>Apache is faster for static content. 
> > 
> > Don't get Yoav started...
> :) I have gotton him started on this, before. It's funny, though... last 
> time I looked at the Tomcat Connector FAQ, it actually says flat out 
> "Apache is faster than Tomcat at serving static content": 
> http://jakarta.apache.org/tomcat/faq/connectors.html. It does qualify 
> that statement by saying that unless you're talking about high traffic, 
> then it doesn't really matter. However, they *do* make that claim.

OK, so for low traffic, test environment, you can rely on TC. Even for high traffic, 
if you do your dynamic vs static separation rather cleanly (place all GIFs outside 
web-app, which might be an ugly thing to do), you could just make Apache redirect or 
proxy for TC's URLs. I think that the real need for mod_jk1/2 comes when you want to 
have modularity.

Anyway, I think mod_jk1/2 is a cleaner way to do it. It worked for me rather 
painlessly, so I'm going that way.


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