thanks much remy. i was looking for configuring maxThreads for the ajp
connector with jk2.

anyways, do you know what the default value for maxThreads is for
channelSocket? (it's not in the docs....)

what are the defaults for the other options? or where can i find them?


again, thanks. this was exactly what i was looking for.

ps: you know if you specify maxProcessors or maxThreads in the ajp
Connector element, tomcat starts up fine, without any warnings. as a
suggestion, (i don't know how beneficial), but it would probably be nice
if a message gets printed in the log (with debug=0) stating that the
values will be ignored and should be set in

> For AJP, you're supposed to use the file. This is all in
> the JK docs, with the native connector docs. Some select parameters from
> could be set on the Connector element, but it seemed
> better to use only one configuration file for AJP, and I removed them
> from the documentation.
> --
> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Rémy Maucherat
> Senior Developer & Consultant
> JBoss Group (Europe) SàRL
> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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