This is an excellent idea.  Count me in as well.  I
can see a weblog site being the center of the newbies
group.  It can point to interesting tidbits, and tie
everything together.


--- aras <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I admit it, I'm a ... newbie.  It makes me ill
> having to admit that considering
> I've been coding for almost twenty years.  Old dogs
> new tricks.
> Here's the deal.
> I've been trying to use TomCat for about a month. 
> That time isn't work hours
> because I'm doing this at night (2-3 hours per). 
> Anyway, I've been on this
> list for all that time and have seen literally
> thousands of emails.  Most of
> them being in the newbie variety.
> Here's what I'm thinking.  If there are ten to
> fifteen newbies out there who
> are in somewhat of my situation, let's join forces
> and kick this thing in the
> butt.  Now, I would imagine if your using TomCat 8
> HR/Day (meaning "it's  your
> job"), you'll be going too fast for us.  You might
> want to stick to this list.
> We need the ability to exchange massive amount of
> information.  Everything from
> e-mail to chat.  In fact, if you have any
> communications ideas I'm willing to
> listen.  I guess it would be almost like a TUG
> (TomCat User Group) except we
> won't have any experts.  We'll be able to use
> tomcat-user list for the "expert"
> type questions.  I'd like us to develop "our own"
> How-To's and eventually , if
> they turn out correct, submit them to the project.
> Reply directly to me and include to this list if
> you'd like
> The time is now.
> Steve
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