The heap size has nothing to do with the memory size that 
is seen by the system.

You have to look at least at the total memory. 
(That is used + free memory)

To that you have to add 
- thread stacks (At least some vm's don't allocate them on the heap)
- static memory (Like the jvm itself, static strings, classes, jars, ...)
- some os memory that is used by the vm to manage it self
- ...

Size vs. resident size is the total size vs. the used size as 
seen by the os.

How many threads where active at the time of the error ?
The vm may have hit some os limits on the number of active 
threads (either system wide or per owner)

The vm may have run out of non heap memory. (e.g.: Threadstacksize)

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mohammed Javid - CTD, Chennai. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, January 29, 2004 10:35 AM
> Subject: RE: verbose gc
> but as can be seen from GC output before outofmemory error 
> the total heap occupied was only 30846K, though we have lot 
> of more space on
> heap still tomcat crashed and give connectiontimeout for 
> remaining pages.
> When we see the size occupied from top command , when tomcat 
> is started it was 622Mb and at time of crash it was 723MB.
> > 1) [Full GC 34521K->15504K(38328K), 0.5953540 secs]
> > [GC 27533K->16335K(38328K), 0.0396336 secs]
> > 

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