On Wed, February 4, 2004 1at 2:02 pm, Tim Diez wrote:
> I'd like to use apache and mod_jk to dynamically re-route all subfolders
> of my httpd web server to a single Tomcat webapp.
> http://www.myserver.com/
> http://www.myserver.com:8080/mywebapp
> The tricky part for me has been setting this up to be dynamically
> routed.  What I'd like to do is have myserver.com/<anyfolder> route to
> myserver:8080/mywebapp, so I don't have to create a virtual host for
> every potential subfolder on myserver.com:80/
> So, I need http://www.myserver.com/*/hello.do?param=nada to map to
> http://www.myserver.com:8080/mywebapp/hello.do?param=nada
> I need the url to always keep the original host/folder.  I tried
> mod_rewrite, but it changes the URL after the redirection.  If I use
> mod_jk any folders off of the default port 80 server have to co-exist as
> a webapp under tomcat(as far as I know).

You'll have to use mod_rewrite for this, and you'll have to make sure that
you're using internal redirects (or forwards) instead of exernal
redirects.  This will require that you have mod_proxy installed as well.

So something like this may work:

RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^/(.*)/(.*)$  http://www.myserver.com:8080/$2 [P,L]

What rewrite config did you try before?


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