Amen to that brother. I wasted a lot of time having an old context load up on me with TC5 when I had removed it from server.xml.

Very, very bad idea tomcat developers!

Note that they *can't* delete that directory because you might have modified something by hand, and presumably that would be even worse. (Of course, you could check to see if anything had changed before deleting, this safer deletion is possible.)

Bottom line is that any piece of server software should have "reversable" behavior - if I make a change to a config file, and change it back, then the server should act the same way before the change was made at all. Tomcat doesn't do this, and that's very bad.

Now, if I am wrong about this, please correct me. I'm all ears!

Milt Epstein wrote:

I amend what I said before .  And I agree with you -- it should be
Tomcat's responsibility to delete the context configuration file it is

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