There's a really easy way to stop this problem, and it's through a slight modification of the subscription protocol. Simply require that the body of the confirmation email be a single word, like "confirmed". That way autoresponders won't be able to confirm themselves.

Very easy to do, and effective. Who owns the list? Is such a change in protocol possible?

Mike Curwen wrote:

This is an age-old argument, and besides that, I don't enjoy talking
religion.  But the advice to create a client filter really grates

It is *still* a waste of bandwidth. The client can't filter until I
download the 200 odd messages every morning.

Aside from the annoyance factor, I think it's only being a good
'internet citizen' to actively and aggresively manage these unnecessary
emails.  Let's clear the pipes for those important things like streaming
radio. ;)

-----Original Message-----
From: Graham Reeds [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Thursday, February 05, 2004 10:00 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: failure notice

I'm getting loads of people complaining about a stupid responder. Is that normal?


Seriously though, there's not a lot that anyone can do. I would guess that some one on this list has opened the and it has infected his/her machine and has started spamming the known world, even if him/her has left the list it still could be in his address book.

The spamming could be any of us. Company policy here is to have Sophos running constantly which sucks resources and is/was effective as a chocolate fireguard when MSBlast went around as every machine in the building (except our Linux boxes).

I suggest you get used to creating rules in your favourite email client.


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