"Aadi Deshpande" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hello all,
> There's much talk about how TC5 is JMX-enabled, so I'm wondering what
> tools are available for monitoring and administering a TC5 server.
> I've checked out the manager application and it provides some basic
> information ( such as sessions ), but I was wondering what people's
> experiences were with more detailed tools ( if any exist ).
> Particularly, I'm looking for monitoring software that will let me view
> the number of sessions, and how active my JNDI datasource are ( how many
> connections in the pool, how many active, etc.. ).
> The manager app gives you the ability to get the number of sessions,
> but  Datasources must be listed in the globalresources section,  and to
> date, I haven't figured out how to describe a Resource/ResourceParams
> in the GlobalNamingResources section and still utilize it in my context
> ( I've had to  list it under the Context that I wish to utilize it for
> ).  If anyone has any hints in this department, that would be very
> Finally, I'd like to know if it's possible to set up TC5 to be a
> JMX-enabled "server" in such a fashion that you can access it remotely
> using some tool like MC4J, and if so where  I can find some
> documentation wrt. setting this up.

If you enable the AJP/1.3 Connector (even if you are not using
Apache/IIS/SunOne), then if you set in jk2.properties:

(where <value> is an actual port number :), and replace the MXRI jars with
the MX4J jars, then you can use the MX4J Adaptors to remotely configure

> Again, thanks for any input you may have.
> -aadi

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