Hi all,

I'm trying to get a certain method within my startup class to *only* execute after Tomcat startup has fully completed.

I understand I can implement a LifecycleListener, but there only seems to be before/after start/stop events.
(i'm not sure that Lifecycle.AFTER_START_EVENT refers to 'startup is complete', or 'startup event was requested')

In short, as part of my Startup procedure, we pre-generate(if rqd) a fornightly clandar of 'events' from some JSPs on the same Tomcat instance.
The problem is mainly that we also use Apache/JK2, so a HTTP 500 error is generated (the Apache connection can be made, but Tomcat is not yet available), unless we can defer until Tomcat has started.
I could, of course, defer the event for a few minutes, but that doesn't strike me as much of a graceful approach.

I'm assuming this is probably pretty simple?
Any pointers would be much appreciated. (not google.com, been all morning in there! :) )


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